Shirley @ 5

Shirley @ 5

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


开了4个半小时的车,我终于到达了Houston。为了争取多一点相聚的时间,我自告奋勇的跟 Lucy 说我可以去机场接她!去机场的途中下起了小雨,我听着周杰伦的音乐想起17年前跟Lucy认识的情形。那是1990年9月,我大一开课的第一天。我们两个都是上Ballroom Dance结果找不到教室。想起了当年的“蒙查查” 也想起了这17年的折磨对我们两个外向开朗的女人所造成的影响。。。眼泪就像窗外的小雨不停得流下。。。

看到Lucy 的第一眼,就好像时光马上倒流了17年。我们商量着怎么去狂欢这难得的一晚。回到Lucy爸妈的家已经晚上9:30,看到了当年高挺的c爸爸,如今却是老了许 多。。。c妈妈一直说治安不好叫我们两个可爱的小女生太晚了别出去。我们坐在厨房啃着螃蟹,鸭子,一面想着到底可以去哪里?结果也不知是谁提出去看猛男秀!Lucy 说怕什么,去! 我一直都在讲东讲西的打退堂鼓, 不敢去。。结果开到了club门口,c开始有一点害怕了。。。哈哈哈。。我们两个良家妇女就这样一下说去一下说不去。。各自给自己撞了胆之后走进了Houston
La Bare!

我们的waiter是一个长头发的肌肉男,领着我们两个走进club, 我马上跟c说"这个没什么嘛,不就是普通的跳舞club. 结果话没说完就看到了前后左右都有只穿着超级小小内裤的肌肉男...一群半疯狂的女人把$1夹在自己胸前或者是裤腰上,等着猛男来跳舞然后用嘴叼起钱...这是一场从未看过的戏码...猛男跳舞没引起我们太大的兴趣,却是在看女人的desire(欲望?)流露。。 有一个喝醉的丑女人拿着钱,猛男已经为他跳了舞但她却还是上下齐手,我看出她对猛男说"Please..I have more money!"

这不是属于我跟cc的地方,却是一个难忘的经验. 我们两个正经八百了一辈子的"小女生", 终于为自己走出了一大步!


我点的是..Coke on the rock....Lucy 点的是...Cranberry juice virgin!!!
Hahahah!!! 那位waiter先生一定笑掉大牙了!!!!

其实这次跟Lucy相处的时间好短,除了前一晚的历险记以外,我们还误打误撞的找到了一位不错的香港美发师。C改头换面的把一头长发剪了,年轻了起码5岁!我也顺便修一修。剪完之后我们兴奋的找波霸奶茶店, 点了盐酥鸡喝着波霸奶茶。这种无压力无包袱的生活对我们来说是奢侈的! 我跟CC就只能叛逆到这个程度了!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

By Irene: The story about my friend

My friend and me new each other since we were just born.
She's 1 year older then me but we still hang out together.
We are also neighbors.We are good friends!!!!!!!!!!!!If you are reading this Jessica
I really think you are a great friend!:D


By Irene: my little brother yo yo

My little brother yo yo is crazy because he drew on the wall!!!!!!!Not just that he drew a little, well big head with little eyes and a cute smile.We were trying to punish him but to bad we started cracking up to death!!!!!!!!Ha ha!!!!:D


Monday, July 16, 2007

By Irene: My Summer!!

Hey Everybody!I know you all want to know about my Summer so here I go.
It all started when it was Summer, of course and it just kept on raining and raining!!
The rain didn't even stop yet......UNTIL 46 days later!!!!I know that's crazy!!!
Plus it was Summer so really that is crazy!!!This was the first time it ever happened.!.OMG!!!!!!!!!!

Well that was the amazing story of what happened to my Summer life!!!!Ha Ha!!!!!!!
