Shirley @ 5

Shirley @ 5

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


是恒久忍耐又有恩慈 是不嫉妒
是不自夸不张狂 不做害羞的事
不求自己的益处 不轻易发怒
不计算人家的恶 不喜欢不义只喜欢真理
凡事包容 凡事相信 凡事盼望
凡事忍耐 凡事要忍耐 




我的爱,是无理自私,是强烈占有, 是无法掩饰的激动, 是无法抗拒的嫉妒。所谓的大爱 是存在的,但是我觉得那并不是爱情。当我能以"爱的真缔"般对一个人,我肯定不再跟他说 I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Irene started taking piano lesson from Ms. Julie Chung in January. Instant improvement has been noticed!!! Even though the tuition is a lot more than our previous teacher, I think it's worth every penny of it! Irene had made big progress in just 4 lessons!

Ms. Julie's house is in Plano, about 30 min drive from our new house. Every Sat we leave the house at 11am and Irene's lesson starts at 11:30am. Norm and I will then take Harrison to a closeby Starbucks. Harrison will order a cup of kid's hot coco...last Sat, after finishing his hot coco, he wanted to go to the restroom (poopoo). I had the honor of taking him to the ladies' room...put toilet papers around the seat, sat him down, and then squat down with him. Harrison looked me in the eyes and said, "Mommy, are you available to love me?" hahaha....the other day, we were at home while he said,"Mommy, too bad I cannot marry you, daddy already did!"

Talk about little boy's obsession with mommy!!